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Diversity creates a thriving valve industry

2018-12-10 17:38:54
Held from 27 to 29 November In Düsseldorf, Germany, the Valve World Conference and Expo again scored highly amongst presenters, delegates, exhibitors and visitors alike, thanks to the unique concentration of flow control expertise, engineering and passion in a single location.

Text by David Sear, KCI and Petra Hartmann-Bresgen & Ulrike Osahon, Press Team, Messe Düsseldorf GmbH.
Photo @ Constanze Tillmann, Messe Düsseldorf GmbH

Opening the Valve World 2018 Conference, the chairman Wojciech Zmudzinski (Principal Engineer, Valves Mechanical & Civil Team, BP America Inc) first welcomed the audience before pondering on their reasons for attending. Undeniably, he said, this was the ideal place to meet colleagues, customers and suppliers. Those looking for new products and an update on the latest developments were also in for an eventful time, he noted.

But more than this, he trusted that delegates were also here to help accelerate the pace of change and development in the valve and actuator industry and by doing so to contribute in some small way to helping to resolve some of the key global challenges facing us all. He therefore urged delegates to share their thoughts freely on for example ways to combat fugitive emissions, to help develop the next generation of high pressure valves, to seek out strategies to enhance reliability and to explore the potential of digital technology.

He also said industry should do more to encourage younger engineers to join this fine profession and to promote gender equality. Finally, he exhorted one and all to look ahead. “What will the world be like just ten years from now? Will we be using 3-D printing to produce complex, optimized shapes? And can intelligent valves and actuators tell us when they need to be repaired or replaced? The future is in our hands, so let’s start working today to make our dreams for tomorrow a reality.”

Good investment confidence at international industrial valves and fittings summit VALVE WORLD EXPO 2018 in Düsseldorf

Users, manufacturers, developers, service providers and retailers of valves and fittings can look back to a successful three days, full of innovative high-tech solutions. For the fifth time, this leading global trade fair and its accompanying conference took place at the Düsseldorf Exhibition Centre, from 27 to 29 November 2018.

The products and services at VALVE WORLD EXPO 2018 were primarily aimed at specialists from a variety of industries: oil and gas, petrochemicals, chemicals, food, marine and offshore, water and waste management, automotive, mechanical engineering, pharmaceuticals, medical engineering and powerplant engineering.

Read the Full Press Release: Click here to Read

Further Information on Valve World Expo is available at https://www.valveworldexpo.com

Further press releases are available at: Press Releases

You will find high-resolution Images at: Press Photos

Video material is available at: Press VideosText by David Sear, KCI and Petra Hartmann-Bresgen & Ulrike Osahon, Press Team, Messe Düsseldorf GmbH.
Photo @ Constanze Tillmann, Messe Düsseldorf GmbH

Opening the Valve World 2018 Conference, the chairman Wojciech Zmudzinski (Principal Engineer, Valves Mechanical & Civil Team, BP America Inc) first welcomed the audience before pondering on their reasons for attending. Undeniably, he said, this was the ideal place to meet colleagues, customers and suppliers. Those looking for new products and an update on the latest developments were also in for an eventful time, he noted.

But more than this, he trusted that delegates were also here to help accelerate the pace of change and development in the valve and actuator industry and by doing so to contribute in some small way to helping to resolve some of the key global challenges facing us all. He therefore urged delegates to share their thoughts freely on for example ways to combat fugitive emissions, to help develop the next generation of high pressure valves, to seek out strategies to enhance reliability and to explore the potential of digital technology.

He also said industry should do more to encourage younger engineers to join this fine profession and to promote gender equality. Finally, he exhorted one and all to look ahead. “What will the world be like just ten years from now? Will we be using 3-D printing to produce complex, optimized shapes? And can intelligent valves and actuators tell us when they need to be repaired or replaced? The future is in our hands, so let’s start working today to make our dreams for tomorrow a reality.”

Good investment confidence at international industrial valves and fittings summit VALVE WORLD EXPO 2018 in Düsseldorf

Users, manufacturers, developers, service providers and retailers of valves and fittings can look back to a successful three days, full of innovative high-tech solutions. For the fifth time, this leading global trade fair and its accompanying conference took place at the Düsseldorf Exhibition Centre, from 27 to 29 November 2018.

The products and services at VALVE WORLD EXPO 2018 were primarily aimed at specialists from a variety of industries: oil and gas, petrochemicals, chemicals, food, marine and offshore, water and waste management, automotive, mechanical engineering, pharmaceuticals, medical engineering and powerplant engineering.

Read the Full Press Release: Click here to Read

Further Information on Valve World Expo is available at https://www.valveworldexpo.com

Further press releases are available at: Press Releases

You will find high-resolution Images at: Press Photos

Video material is available at: Press Videos