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Introduction to PID Diagram Knowledge of Valve Industry
Introductionto PID Diagram Knowledgeof Valve Industry PID diagram is thetechnical core of factory production. Whether it is an engineer from a designi...The difference between DBB, DIB-1, DIB-2
Two types of seat sealing structures commonto trunnion mounted ball valves. 1. Double block and bleed valve A valve with two valve seat sealing pairsc...Gaskets Are Not Created Equal
Gaskets are near the bottom of the food chain of valve components; trim, body materials and packing seem to get a lot more press. But gaskets serve an...True Meaning of Double Block and Bleed
It’s time to do maintenance ona section of process. You don't want to shut down the entire facility, so youdecide to block off and depressurize just ...Why PTFE-Lined valves should be cossetted
“Every day is a learning opportunity”, is a saying which is often heard here in the Valve World editorial department. After all, the valve industry is so diverse, and the number of applications so huge, that no-one (and certainly not a humble editor!) can possibly hope to know everything.LNG: Significant opportunities for cryogenic valves
Quenching the world’s thirst for energy while mitigating climate change and air pollution is one of the greatest challenges of the 21st century. Natu...VELAN VTP-2000 Ball Valve
A high performance ball valve with an affordable price Velan Inc., a leading manufacturer of high quality industrial valves for a broad range of indus...Valve maintenance on its way to the cloud
Edited by Constanze Schmitz, Analyst ARC Advisory Group Europe ___ In the process industries, one of the most important, yet often over-looked assets,...18''RF WCB Butterfly valve
Customized top connection dimensions 18'' RF WCB butterfly valve supplied to power plant service for high temperature steam pipelineChina (Shanghai) International Fluid Machinery Exhibition (2)
China (Shanghai)International Fluid Machinery Exhibition (2) The China(Shanghai) International Fluid Machinery Exhibition is one of the mostsignifican...
Design features:
Solid wedge (gate)
Bolted or welded bonnet
Optional bellow seal(gate,globe)
Plug disc with optional needle disc (globe)
Lift check with optional swing check (check)
Products range:
Type: Gate, Globe, Check
Rating: ANSI 800LB,1500LB
Main Body materials: Carbon Steel, Stainless Steel, Alloy Steel (titanium alloy ,nickel alloy , zirconium alloy, bronze/brass),Duplex Steel,20#,310S,321,904L.
End connection :NPT,SW,RF
Design features
Quick maintenance
Anti-erosion Anti-cavitation
Excellent packing system
Stellite cobalt-based hard alloy disc
Up and down guiding ring on the disc
The best CV value
Sealing surface with special overlaying welding
Replaceable trim structure
Design standards:
Design and manufacture standard: ASME 16.34 JB/T3595
Test and inspection: JB/T3595 MSS SP61
Leakage : zero
Products range:
Rating: ANSI 150LB~4500LB
Temperature:-23°C ~ +600°C
End connection: SW,BW,RF
Operation: Manual electrical
Main body materials:A105,12Cr1MoV,F22,F316,F91,F92
Water drainage, discharge of various steam-water pipelines.
Water drainage, discharge of superheater
Periodical blowdown cutoff
Steaming out cutoff of shoot blower
Forged Steel Valves
1 1/2 C63200 150LB FF Flange piston check valve - COPY - m6ali2
Product description:
Piston check valve
Body: C63200
Bonnet: C63200
Disc: C63200
Gasket: SS+Graphite
Bolt: B7+20μm Xylar
Nut: 2H+20μm Xylar
Spring: X-750
Design standard: API 602
Inspection and Test:API 598
Face to face: ASME B16.10
Connection end dimension: ASME B16.5
1 1/2 C63200 150LB FF Flange piston check valve
Product description:
Piston check valve
Body: C63200
Bonnet: C63200
Disc: C63200
Gasket: SS+Graphite
Bolt: B7+20μm Xylar
Nut: 2H+20μm Xylar
Spring: X-750
Design standard: API 602
Inspection and Test:API 598
Face to face: ASME B16.10
Connection end dimension: ASME B16.5
DN10 F316L PN320 RF Flange x BW angle globe valve
Product description:
Piston check valve
Body: F316L
Bonnet: F316L
Disc: F316L+STL
Gasket: SS+Graphite
Bolt: NA
Nut: NA
Spring: NA
Design standard: ASME B 16.34
Inspection and Test:API 598
Face to face: MFR STD
Connection end dimension: MFR STD
1 '' A105+Alloy 20 150 LB RF Flag Piston Valve
Design standard: API602Inspection and Test: API 598Face to face: ASME B16.10Final connection size: HG/T 20615 The Piston control valves have a wide ra...
1/2'' ASTM A381 F2 150LB FF Flange piston check valve
Product description: Pistoncheck valve Body:ASTM A381 F2 Bonnet:ASTM A381 F2 Disc:ASTM A381 F2 Gasket:Graphite Bolt:ASTM A193 B8 Nut:ASTM A194 8 Sprin... More
Y type 1/2'' F316H 4500LB BW globe valve hand wheel operate
Productdescription: Ytype globe valve Overall one-piece overall forged ,Butt weld ,Rising Stem Stelliteoverlay seat surface Stelliteoverlay plug Bodym... More
DN80 PN25 B348 Gr2 RF handle wheel Y type globe valve
Product description: ForgedTitanium Gr.2 Y type globe valve CowinnsY-Type Globe valves size range contains:1/2''~3'' Pressureranges:150LN~1500LB Endco... More
1'' Y type 800LB A105 SW globe valve
Productdescription: Ytype globe valve SWend ,OS&Y, Rising Stem Forgedglobe valve body Mainmaterial :ASTM A105 Pressure:800LB Portsize:1'' Cowinnsforge... More
1/4’’ INCONEL 600 SW ends 110bar needle valve
valve drawing 1.Valve design in accordance with ASTM B1.6.34 2.End to end dimensions to manufacturer s... More
2 '' 150LB UNS c95800 SW gate valve for sea water in nickel-aluminum bronze
It is good for application with sea water, especially forpitting corrosion, stress corrosion and corrosion fatigue. The C95800 material is Nickel Alum... More
1'' 150LB Nickel-Aluminum Bronze C95800 SW gate valve
Itis good for seawater application, especially for pitting corrosion ,stresscorrosion and corrosion fatigue. C95800material is Nickel Aluminum Bronze ... More
2'' 150LB UNS C95800 SW gate valve
C95800material is Nickel Aluminum Bronze ,It is copper alloy based material with theaddition of Aluminum/Iron/Nickel/Manganese. Typicalproperties of N... More
1'' 800LB ASTM B148 UNS C95800 PTFE seat SW full port floating level operated fire safety ball valve
Design features: floatingball ,easy maintenance , anti-staic, fire safety, blow-out proof stem, stemextension and locking device are on option. Bodyma... More
1 1/2'' A182 F22 800LB NPT gate valve
Product description: Designand manufacture standard :API 602 NPTend, OS&Y, Rising Stem Forgedgate valve body Trim:5# Stem:13Cr APIand ANSI standards a... More
Y type 1'' A105 4500LB BW globe valve
Productdescription: Ytype globe valve Overall one-piece overall forged ,Butt weld ,Rising Stem Stelliteoverlay seat surface Stelliteoverlay plug Body... More
2'' 4500LB A105 pneumatic actuator SW Y-pattern drain globe valve
Port size range:3/8''~4'' Pressurerating: 4500LB 2680LB 1680LB Flowcharacteristics: Quickopen Structure:our product could replace some famous brands ... More
3/4'' A182 F55 300LB RF hand wheel gate valve
Product description: API602 design standard API598test and inspection standard RFend , Rising Stem, OS&Y Forgedgate valve body: A182 F55 gate valve Di... More
1'' inconel 625 900LB RTJ hand wheel globe valve
Productdescription: Designstandard :API 602 Testand inspection: API598 RTJend ,OS&Y, Rising Stem Forgedglobe valve body: Inconel 625 globe valve Disc:... More
3/8'' 4500LB A105 Rotork electrical actuator with hand wheel SW Y type globe valve
Portsize range:3/8''~4'' Pressurerating: 1680LB 2680LB 4500LB Flowcharacteristics: Quickopen Structure:Overall forging Y type ,our product could repla... More
1/2'' 600LB inconel 825 hand wheel RF gate valve
Product description: Designstandard: API 602 Flangedends: ASME B16.5 Faceto face: ASME B16.5 Testand inspection: API598 Mainparts material list: Body:... More
4'' 300LB B381 F2 piston check valve
Productdescription: Boltedcover and integral flanged connection B381 F2 piston check valve ASMEB 16.5 flange end design standard on available Designfe... More
DN150 PN16 B381 F2 hand wheel RF gate valve
Product description: Flangestandard: JIS B 2220-2004 Rating:GB12234 Portsize: DN150 Testand inspection: GB/T 26480 RFend ,BB,OS&Y, Rising Stem Forgedg... More
25A JIS20K A182 F316+HF hand wheel RF gate valve
Product description: Flangestandard: JIS B 2220-2004 Rating:JIS20K Portsize: 25A Testand inspection: AP I598 RFend ,BB,OS&Y, Rising Stem Forgedglobe v... More
1'' 300LB A182 F316H handle wheel gate valve
Valve type: Gate valve
Port size:1''
Material: A182 F316H
End: RF
Operation: Hand wheel
Application: /
Medium temperature: 540 °C More